Regular Events

The events posted here run weekly. All other events at Hastings Unitarian Church are included within our ‘Services’ page.

Spiritual Support

On the last Tuesday of every month, Rev Safar Wisby offers one-to-one spiritual support between 12.00 noon and 3.00 pm. If you would like to book an hour long session with her, please make a request by sending an email to

Circle Dancing

Thursdays 10.30 am to 12.15 pm
Contact: Jo Lemon
Telephone: 01424 713272

Krishna Conscious Sangha

2nd and 4th Thursday of the month 7.30-9pm
Reading, chanting and sharing of food

Narcotics Anonymous

Saturday morning details tbc

Prayers to be heard

If you would like your prayers to be heard please email and a member of our prayer team will light a candle for you